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Thank you to all the donors who made it possible for us to reach the 2024 goal of $30,000!
Connecting Seniors to Technology

Your donation is Tax deductible





  • To donate by check or a different amount, mail directly to:

AnewVista Community Services

250 Hillview Ave, Redwood City, CA 94062

  • Your donation is tax-deductible

  • We appreciate the gift of securities (bonds, stocks, etc.)
    Please contact:

Your support allows other seniors to build confidence and knowledge
about technology via free tech classes, support, and help

 Thank you to our donors, we truly appreciate your time and commitment!

Andi & Wilbur Jackson

Angela Tang

Barb Berry

Barbara August

Barbara Dubnick

Barbara Kyser

Barbara McCarthy

Betty Toepfer

Bob Roeser

Carol Nash

Chin Lim

Chris Holt

Chuck Seiloff

Cynthia & Bob Shannon

Davina Dubnick

Diana Chin

Diane Rolfe

Dick Imperiale

Dick Smallwood

Donald Ho

Elaine Raper

Elisabetta Chiaramonte

Elizabeth Weil

Evelyn Hom

Flora Wu

Gail Ragains

Geri Hom

Helen Cannon

Jack Trollman

James & Megan Gailey

Janet Harding

Janet Larson

Jerry Grainger

Jerrie Brick

Joe Keenan

John Matthews

John O'Donnell

Joyce Hanna

Judy Chang

Karl Bucholz

Karlheinz Lammeyer

Kimberly Thompson

Linda Golub

Linda Sasaki

Lisa & Dennis Schofield

Marcia Moriarty

Marcy Elsbree

Mariann Sheldon

Marie Violet

Marina Huang

Mary Lou Schiavo

Maureen Lane

Mike Mokelke

Mimi Campbell

Monica & Jordan Engel

Molly Meschke

Nancy Struck

Ning Liu

Nupur Oza

Pamela Hardy

Pat Bashaw

Pat Pritchard

Peter Kunedt

Raj Gupta

Ralph Cahn

Renu Kathail

Rita Blumstein

Roz Haber

Sally Carnevale

Shalini Gupta

Shirley Matteson

Song Leung

Steven Braithwaite

Sue Dinwiddie

Sue Hiller

Susan Betz

Susan Speicher

Thalia Welch

Theresa Presser

Valerie Simmons

Virginia Siegman


Helping us rebuild the Social Health of Seniors

through technology adoption and engagement


We thank our Grantors and Partners!

Logo of donor Sequoia Hospital - Dignity Health
Logo of donor Sequoia Healthcare Distract
Logo of donor PHCD
Logo of donor Forum Charitable Fund
Logo of donor Los Altos - Mountain View Community Foundation
Logo of donor Redwood City, CA
Logo of donor City of Milpitas
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